Sunday, January 13, 2008

Some general thoughts...

To start out:

1. As I live, work, and recreate in a suburban environment, I often find myself questioning the assumptions of my community. Usually I'll notice some artifact or accident of modern life apparently intended to make life better that instead seems to do the opposite.

2. I don't claim that any of these observations are unique, and when I'm aware of borrowing or building on another's ideas, I hope to acknowledge the reference. Not long ago I read The Geography of Nowhere, by James Howard Kunstler, which confirmed much of what I already felt. Others whose work will no doubt be referenced include Derrick Jensen, Bill McKibbon, and Jared Diamond.

3. Offering a critique, I realize both my active and passive role in the propagation of our throwaway, disconnected culture. I'm not forced to live in this place, or to live a certain way. I live here because of convenience and economic usefulness, comfort and security. I probably don't have the courage or the commitment to resist the lure of conventional expectation and the ease and indulgence it promises. I still flow mostly with the mainstream.